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How to Make Simple Quote Art with Maps

I was tidying up some older blog post from the archives the other day and was looking at our Wall of Wisdom fun quote based art idea. I realised that I’d never shared here on the blog how to make this easy Quote Art with Maps that is included on our wall. This idea was originally published as a guest post over at The Pinning Mama many years ago so it’s high time I shared it here.

How to make Map Art with your favourite quote

All you need to make your own Quote Map Art is:

  • An old road map book

  • A picture frame - mine is a Nyttja one from IKEA

  • Low tack masking tape (decorators tape)

  • A computer, printer and scrap paper

Search your car, garage, attic or under stair cupboard for an old road map books, or you might be able to pick one up at a charity or thrift shop. If you have no luck in any of those places you could go online and print a suitable map. My blogging friend Claire has some beautiful printable maps over at Picture Box Blue.

First pull the page from your map book that is special to you. I used the page of where we live.

Take the glass out of the picture frame and use it as a guide to cut the map page to size.

Prepare your quote

Now you want to prepare your quote. You can use Word and one of the fonts already on your computer or a program like Ipiccy or canva and one of their fun fonts. I used a font called Black Jack and typed out the quote “There is no place like home”. You can use any quote you like of course, something that means something special to you and your family.

If you prefer you can use mine, just right click the photo below and save it to your computer.

Open up Word and insert your image. Resize the image until it’s the size needed to fit in your frame. Make sure you drag the image from the corner to resize so that it doesn’t distort.

Print onto scrap paper and make a note of which way round it prints - THIS IS IMPORTANT, you’ll see why in just a moment.

Now position your map over the printed paper. I held mine up on a window so I could see exactly where the words are, to make sure they are central on the map.

Tape the map into place, make sure the tape is secure so it won’t get caught in the printer. You only need to tape across the end that feeds into the printer.

Now run the paper back through your printer again. This is when you need to think about which way the paper goes into the printer. I made a boo boo at first and printed mine upside down - doh! Luckily I had another map book so I could have another go.

Once the quote is printed onto the map page just carefully remove the tape and pop it in your frame.

More home quotes

I’ve been looking for more suitable quotes that you might like to use:

  • The thing I like best about my home is who I share it with

  • Bless this House or Bless this Home

  • Home is not a place it’s a feeling

  • Home Sweet Home

  • Home is wherever I’m with you

  • Together is a magical place to be

  • There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort - Jane Austen

  • Home is the nicest word there is - Laura Ingalls Wilder

  • Home is where the heart is

  • Life takes you to unexpected places. Love brings you home

You can see how this piece of art fits into our ‘Wall of Wisdom’ here:

Quick, easy, fun and unique art for your home or it could make a great housewarming, wedding or moving in together gift maybe?


See this gallery in the original post