A little Tribute to Ellen 2018
/March 28th was my Nan Ellen's birthday. Here at Sum of their Stories I like to share something made by the crafty women who were in my life as I grew up. The ones who encouraged me endlessly to be creative and try everything.
Ellen was my Dad's mum and she certainly was enthusiastic about everything, she had a real zest for life and was always trying something new. When she retired she went to craft classes at a local college where she made this quilt. This photo is just a quick snapshot from the time when it was on display at the college with other students work - the chairs had been upholstered by someone else!
I don't have the actual quilt, just the photos, but looking at it closely it looks like it had cathedral window patchwork in there. I have a vague recollection of her showing me how that was done.
So today I'm remembering my nan and her unwavering enthusiasm for almost everything, especially things craft related.
You can see more posts about things made my nan Ellen here, as well as posts about my mum and my other nan.