A little tribute to Jenny 2021
/I started Sum of their Stories as a way to share the craft skills and enthusiasm that was passed to me by members of my family who are no longer with us. My mum, and both my Grandmas particularly, so each year, on what would have been their birthday I share a little something, as a tribute to them and all they passed on to me.
7th February was my Mum, Jenny’s birthday, she would have been 76 this year. I kept quite a few things of hers when she died. Mostly useful and practical things like her fabulous cake tins with a little swivelling bit that makes getting the cakes out easy. I love this as I can think of her every time I bake a cake. I do also have a small box of sentiment things, you can’t keep everything of course, but a small box of bits and pieces is nice to have.
In this box I have this little pouch that my mum made. I think she said she was a teenager when she made it, so it has to be getting on for 60 years old! The satin is a little worn in places and there are a couple of holes on the back but otherwise it’s holding up quite well.
There is something really nice about seeing the hand stitches of someone else isn’t there?
So there you have it, a little tribute to my mum. She was so good at letting me explore my creative side when I was young, I’m sure I made a right old mess sometimes. I must have done because I make a right old mess nowadays too! She always said she wasn’t very creative herself. “I’m ok when I’m following instructions’ she would say. I think she was much more talented than she gave herself credit for.
Thanks mum, love you, miss you.
You can read more about the other things I’ve shared over the years that were made or inspired by my mum and grandma’s here, plus the poem that inspired the site name, Sum of their Stories.