Handmade Monday #384


Welcome to another Handmade Monday, our creative link up. It’s time to be inspired by some lovely creative ideas so grab a cuppa and enjoy a scroll through.

Last Thursday I visited the Festival of Quilts and had SUCH an inspiring day. I don’t actually make quilts myself (although I am now tempted to have a go now!) but seeing the hundreds of quilts on display was just amazing. There was an incredible variety, super modern to really traditional and everything in between. I made a little reel on Instagram with more photos if you’d like to see, but even that is just the smallest fraction of what there was to see.


As well as the quilts there was also the chance for a little fabric shopping as well as workshops and lectures for those who wanted to book that. It was also a lovely chance to meet up with my blogging friends Vicky from Vicky Myers Creations and Kristen from Scrap Fabric Love and Upcycle my Stuff. We speak regularly but live hundreds of miles from each other so don’t get to meet IRL often.

Anyway, that’s all about me, before we get started with this week’s link up let’s just check out the features from last week’s Handmade Monday.

Click through on the photos to see the original posts.

  • Remember if you want to pin any of these ideas please make sure you click through via the photo to the original project.

Jennifer from Studio 27 by Jennifer Adams has created an adorable minute laundry room. It takes me back to my childhood when I would make rooms for my Sindy dolls (I think they were like a UK version of Barbie in the 70’s) but my rooms were never quite as lovely as this one!

Beth from Creatively Beth has stitched this beautiful embroidery design on a plain t shirt.

Ann from The Apple Street Cottage has turned an old spoon handle into the most lovely pendant, I’m now scouring all the local Charity shops looking for something suitable to give this idea a go!

Congratulations to you all. There is a "YAY I was featured" button over here if you want to add one to your blog.

A like on social media, a comment or share is an easy way for us all to help to support one another so please do take a moment to visit some of the other projects linked up this week. It’s not mandatory to be able to join in here, there’s no easy way to check if you did but it costs nothing but a few minutes of your time and is just a nice thing to do!


The rules for Handmade Monday are very simple:

  • Did you make it? Yes - then yay! We'd love to see it

  • Add the link to a specific post, not your main blog url

  • You can link up to 3 posts each week but try to make sure it's not something that you've shared here before

  • Mingle - visit some other links - comment - share - be social


If you are not sure of anything more details can be found here.

At Handmade Monday the links are shown in a random order so it’ll look different each time you pop by.


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