Sum of their Stories Craft Blog

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Handmade Monday #414

Welcome to this week’s Handmade Monday. Handmade Monday is our creative link up where bloggers can link up their craft tutorials, projects, recipes etc to inspire us all.

I finally finished my 146 day daily art challenge that I set myself back in October. I won’t repeat the whole idea, most of you will have heard me talk about this before, but the short version is I found a box of 146 of my dad’s old business cards and did a little bit of art on the back each of them, ending on 3rd March to coincide with the 4 anniversary of his passing.

I took a photo of each card and created a little reel for my Instagram, you can check that out here if you are interested. I thought you might like to see a little behind the scenes/where the magic happens i.e. my rather messy desk! Everything just swooshed to one side to make a clear space for filming, and yes I’m afraid that is fabric and yarn on the floor waiting for me to clear it up.

I do plan to share on the blog a little more about the whole project, share the different art techniques I used etc, but that might take me a little while to go through. On reflection I really should have though to do that as I went along! Never mind!

Ok, now let’s take a look at the features from last week’s Handmade Monday.

Click through on the photos to see the original posts.

  • Remember if you want to pin any of these ideas please make sure you click through via the photo to the original project.

Diane from South House Design has been experimenting with ways to tint plain glass. She tested lots of different methods so we don’t have to!

Meinhilde from Kiku Corner made a simple but lovely play mat for her daughter which really showcases the exquisite fabric she used. I think play mats are such a useful thing to have around for a little one, you always need several so they can just bung in the wash often. The fact Meinhilde’s daughter is such a cutie didn’t sway me at all to pick this project as a feature of course! (but seriously, isn’t she just adorable)

Sandi from Old New Green Redo shared her watercolour experiments from a recent art class. It’s so interesting to hear about the different art they studied and to see Sandi’s interpretations. Very inspirational.

Congratulations to you all. There is a "YAY I was featured" button over here if you want to add one to your blog.

A like on social media, a comment or share is an easy way for us all to help to support one another so please do take a moment to visit some of the other projects linked up this week. It’s not mandatory to be able to join in here, there’s no easy way to check if you did but it costs nothing but a few minutes of your time and is just a nice thing to do!  

The rules for Handmade Monday are very simple:

  • Did you make it? Yes - then yay! We'd love to see it

  • Add the link to a specific post, not your main blog url

  • You can link up to 3 posts each week but try to make sure it's not something that you've shared here before

  • Mingle - visit some other links - comment - share - be social


If you are not sure of anything more details can be found here.

At Handmade Monday the links are shown in a random order so it’ll look different each time you pop by.


See this content in the original post